- Tumors that harbor spliceosome mutations have aberrant mRNA transcripts; when translated into proteins this can lead to diversified neoantigen landscapes potentially increasing susceptibility to immune checkpoint inhibitors
- Spliceosomes mutations such as SF3B1, U2AF1 and SRSF2 are rare in solid tumors
- Enrollment into clinical trials for rare mutations can be challenging; de-centralized clinical trials have the potential to reach patients who may not have access to clinical trials
- Limited clinical data exist that describe the molecular and genomic features of cancers harboring spliceosome mutations
- We present data from (1) a decentralized clinical trial (PRISMM) examining feasibility and describing outcomes in patients with metastatic solid tumors with spliceosome mutations, and (2) using a large clinical-genomic database (CARIS) we describe molecular features in patients with breast cancer harboring spliceosome mutations, as well as patient outcomes

Spliceosome Mutations in Metastatic Breast Cancer An Analysis of a Decentralized Clinical Trial and Large Clinical Genomic Dataset
– Caris Life Sciences