Difference Between Small Molecule and Large Molecule Drugs | Caris Life Sciences
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Difference Between Small Molecule and Large Molecule Drugs

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Pharmaceuticals play a significant role in all of our lives. From simple aspirin to antibiotics to vaccines, scientists continue to develop new ways to prevent and treat disease. Pharmaceuticals are often organized into two categories: small-molecule drugs and large-molecule drugs.


Small molecule drugs are medications with a low molecular weight made up of chemicals created in a lab. Because they have a straightforward chemical structure, these drugs are relatively easy to make and are shelf stable.

Small-molecule drugs are generally administered as a pill, and once taken, they have a general effect that travels to all body parts. Because of their small size, they are easily absorbed into the bloodstream and then into cells where they interact with other molecules, such as proteins, within the cells. Most of us have regular interactions with small-molecule drugs like ibuprofen, antihistamines, or penicillin.


In contrast, large molecule drugs, or biologics, have a large molecular weight and are manufactured or extracted from living organisms. They are made of proteins that are complex in structure and much less stable compared to small molecule drugs. Large molecule drugs are costly to manufacture and, at this time, can only be administered through an IV or infusion. These drugs have a targeted effect on tissues and are increasingly used to treat cancer. Because they are more specific in their function, they are usually less toxic, with fewer healthy cells damaged than other drug treatments. Large molecule drugs include gene-based therapies, immunotherapies, hormonal regulators, and antibody-conjugated drugs that target proteins expressed in certain cancer types.


Both small-molecule and large-molecule drugs are designed to target specific molecular changes in cancer cells. Depending on that change, an oncologist can prescribe the appropriate treatment compound. Caris’ molecular profiling can give your doctor the most detailed information regarding your cancer. The more information doctors has, the more specific and tailored the cancer treatment can be.

All the DNA needed to make every human body part is housed in each cell. DNA provides a unique code of genetic information that is made up of a particular sequence of units called bases.

Cancer happens when cells within our bodies develop errors and continue to create new cells containing those same errors. These errors errors can cause the cells to divide uncontrollably, forming a mass or tumor in a specific body area.

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