Tissue Profiling

Caris tissue-based profiling, the most comprehensive and trusted molecular profiling.

Comprehensive Molecular Tissue Profiling of DNA, RNA and Proteins

Caris tissue-based profiling utilizes the most advanced technologies and comprehensive approach to analyze DNA, RNA and proteins to reveal a molecular blueprint that guides more precise and individualized treatment decisions that leads to improved patient outcomes.


Whole Exome Sequencing



Whole Transcriptome Sequencing

Gene Fusions
Variant Transcripts
Gene Expressions



Tumor-Relevant Protein Biomarkers

The Most Comprehensive and Trusted Molecular Profile Available

  • Proteins
    • Immunohistochemistry (IHC)
  • Other
    • Chromogenic In Situ Hybridization (CISH)
    • Microdissection
  • AI-powered signatures
  • Rapid Turnaround: 10-14 days
  • Broad insurance coverage: in-network with many insurance plans, including Medicare


Caris Molecular Profiling Menu by Region


United States

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New York

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*Excluding EEA, EU, CH countries.

Caris Molecular Profiling Menu by Region


International & US

Review and download the Caris molecular profiling testing menu for US and International cases.

New York

Review and download the Caris molecular profiling testing menu for New York state cases.

European Union (EU)

Review and download the Caris molecular profiling testing menu for European cases.

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Tissue Microdissection

Did you know that Caris performs tissue microdissection for every tissue profiling case (where appropriate) to increase the proportion of tumor cells for testing? With tissue microdissection, Caris is able to isolate specific tumor cells from a mixed population of cancer and non-cancer cells to increase the tumor nuclei required for testing (20% or more). This is critically important because microdissection can increase the chance of successful testing in certain limited tissue cases, as well as avoid testing with low density tumors that could result in missed alterations that could potentially impact treatment decisions made by oncologists. Tissue Microdissection | Tissue Profiling

Microdissection isolates specific tumor cells for testing and reduces non-cancer material diluting the tissue section.

Case 1 – Extract the most clinically relevant content: Helps maximize the clinical utility of every tissue sample.

Example 1

  • Tumor is ~70% of total tissue section
  • Within the marked tumor area, 60% tumor nuclei cells vs 40% normal cells
Tissue Profiling with Microdissection

With Microdissection

  • Test ONLY the tissue within the marked tumor area
  • The final tumor DNA composition is 60%

Without Microdissection

  • Test all the tissue
  • The final tumor DNA composition is 42% (70% x 60% = 42%)
Case 2 – Limited tissue capabilities: Tumor enrichment to maximize available specimen for limited tissue cases.

Example 2

  • Tumor is ~10% of total tissue section
  • Within the marked tumor area, 20% tumor nuclei cells vs 80% normal cells
Tissue Profiling without Microdissection

With Microdissection

  • Test ONLY the tissue within the marked tumor area
  • The final tumor DNA composition is 20%

Without Microdissection

  • Test all the tissue
  • The final tumor DNA composition is 2% (10% x 20% = 2%) and CANNOT be used (sample not sufficient for testing)

* In a 2018 comparison of Tumor Mutational Burden (TMB) in NSCLC the Foundation Medicine Checkmate 2271 success rate2 was 60.9% compared to a success rate of 85.1% for Caris3, due in large part to the tissue microdissection enrichment at Caris Life Sciences.

  1. Hellmann MD, Ciuleanu T-E, Pluzanski A, et al. Nivolumab plus ipilimumab in lung cancer with a high tumor mutational burden. N Engl J Med 2018;378:2093-104. DOI: 10.1056/NEJMoa1801946
  2. TMB-Success rate = TMB Result Generated / Sufficient Tissue for Testing
  3. Internal Data, NSCLC testing results in 2018. TMB-Success rate = TMB Result Generated / Sufficient Tissue for Testing

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